Contact Us

Getting in touch

There is no drop-in service at our office so if you need our help you will need to call us.

We aim to open our advice phone line to new enquiries between 10.00am and 12.00pm every Tuesday and we are reviewing this on a weekly basis. Our telephone number is 01179 543990 or 0800 1214511. We offer a free interpreting service. We will continue to keep our website up to date with any future changes.

If you are unable to get through to us or need urgent advice then you can find details of other agencies that might be able to help here.

If you are not looking for advice but need to contact someone within the organisation please email


Unfortunately, we do not accept referrals via email.

If you are working with an individual who needs help we invite you or them to call us during our advice phone line between 10.00am and 12.00pm every Tuesday.


We partner with a number of local organisations and we can accept referrals via the agreed routes from the following projects: Boost Finance, Homefull, and Warmer Homes, Advice & Money (WHAM).

For existing clients

You can contact your adviser using their email address or the telephone number included in their email signature, found at the bottom of all correspondence emails. You can also contact us using the details above and we can put you in touch.

What we can help with

Please take a look at our help page here to see how we can help you.


Our office is fully wheelchair accessible, with a ramp and an electronically operated push pad for the door. Disabled toilet facilities are available. Home visits can also be offered based on client needs as necessary. Interpreting services can be arranged for all appointments and some of our factsheets and signs can be provided in another language, please ask if you would like more details.

Press enquiries

Please ring 01174 509283 to speak to our Partnerships Manager, Tamra Mannin.

Talking Money

1 Hide Market
West Street
St Philips

Advice phone line: 01179 543990 or 0800 1214511 (10.00am and 12.00pm every Tuesday)
